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Kundalini Yoga Embrace Your Warrior Spirit for Emotional Health

“Kundalini Yoga is simply the uncoiling of yourself to find your potential and your vitality and to reach your virtues. There is nothing outside, everything is you.”

The time for change is now, and it begins with each of us. So many of us are doing what we can with everything happening in our world right now.  Many of us are emotionally spent. Our minds are spinning and maybe we don't even know where to start. 

Kundalini yoga has the power to remove fear, anxiety, and even phobias. It can instill you with courage, self-command, and grace. The kriyas and meditations of Kundalini can connect you to your heart center and take away your fear of the future created by memories of the past in your subconscious.

That's why we are excited to partner with Jenner at The wild Ones and share this special Kundalini Yoga practice to help ground your own energies and center your awareness, so you can embrace your warrior spirit

In this class you will:

→ Lighten up heavy emotions and open up to new beliefs  

→ Connect to the power inside of you

→ Be guided through a kriya created to create emotional balance

→ Learn a powerful meditation to allow you to stand firm, even in the face of your fears

→ Feel rooted and centered in your body

→ Bring calmness to the chaos and resolve our inner conflicts

Kundalini yoga can lead to greater self-reliance. This can help you overcome fear, which is the result of being dependent on anything other than your higher self.

Connect to your inner wisdom, find your strength . . . you are protected.

Join us, for this free event!

In partnership with The Wild Ones a community of over 13K humans and growing - a spiritual headquarters for you - a cozy, relief from the hustle and bustle of daily life, offering you a safe space to heal, grow, and transform.