Kundalini Yoga

The goal of “yoga” is to “yoke” or to unite one’s mind, body, and spirit with the Higher Universal Self.

Kundalini Yoga is a technology based on an understanding of the ecology of the human body. Hand positions (mudra), breath (pranayam), sound (mantra), posture (asana), movement, and meditation are specifically combined to invite phenomenal life-enhancing results.

Benefits of Yoga

Kundalini Yoga systematically awakens the “coiled up” energy at the base of the spine resulting in phenomenal life-changing experiences. Benefits reported by Kundalini Yoga practitioners include:

  • Greater connection with ‘higher consciousness’

  • Rapid and profound realization of ‘spiritual purpose’

  • Deepening harmony within one’s self and in relationship to others

  • Reduced stress and greater health and well-being

  • Alleviation of specific conditions associated with the body as well as the mind

  • Optimal physical, mental, emotional and spiritual healing and balance